
Go! Nebulers

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Ask not what blockchain can do for you, ask what you can do for blockchain.

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Nebulas online community groups are building by Nebulas community members.

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PoD Governance Vote

Governance Nodes vote for the proposals and projects on go.nebulas via NAX

The first PoD governance vote on mainnet started on April 29, 2020.

View the result >

The Nebulas Technical Committee shall be responsible for implementation and the Governance Committee shall be responsible for decision-making.

The Nebulas Technical Committee reviews projects such as testing the R&D products and overseeing community operations, etc., which is the guarantee and strong support of community collaboration. Learn more >

The Governance Committee decides whether projects and proposals are approved via PoD governance voting. Consensus nodes are selected as governance nodes based on it’s contribution of block generated. View the list of consensus nodes in next governance cycle >

Nebulas 커뮤니티의 성장

6,800+ 메인 넷 DApps

977,500+ 트랜잭션 발생

259,000+ 메인 넷 사용자

2,300+ 커뮤니티 개발자

36,000+ 온라인 커뮤니티원

2017년 6월부터 현재까지
10 개 국가 21 개 도시에서
60+ 번의 이벤트 진행
2017년 10월부터 지금까지 전세계 8개 국가, 21개 도시에서 Nebulas 커뮤니티 미팅과 해커톤을 진행하였습니다. California at Berkeley대학, NY 대학, Columbia 대학, Harvard 대학, Singapore New yue Social 대학, Tsinghua 대학, Tongji 대학 등에 방문하였으며 4만 명 이상의 분들이 참여해주셨습니다.